Friday, September 20, 2013

Review for FP 11-12/017-018 - A Member of the Family

Monty, Whit's grandson, comes to Odyssey for 8 weeks, but strangely enough, he thinks Whit is the meanest grandpa there ever was

This episode is pretty good. It gives Whit a lot more character. It's the first episode with Whit's family. This episode teaches about the meaning of discipline, and how to resolve family conflict. I like in the AIO version how Chris explained the situation, and I like how they cleverly connected part 1 and part 2 in the Family Portraits album version. Not only is this the 11th and 12th Family Portraits, but the 17th and 18th Adventures In Odyssey episodes.

You can find this episode in the albums -1 Family Portraits and 01 The Adventure Begins

My rating - 85%

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